My personal and professional life


To be or not to be...

For some time, I'm questioning myself whether to continue or discontinue writing in this blog. I almost can't find free time to write and I didn't see the meaning of doing it. Yet I'll wait some more before taking the final decision.


For the translation of Bugzilla 3.0

Phew! I just cannot cope completing the translation of Bugzilla 3.0. Although, it's already in project repository, I do not have the time to complete the last quality control of already translated. And I don't want to release the package with the translation before I'm sure that there are no any obvious errors and inaccuracies.
I really hope that I'll be able to release the translation by the beginning of August, because after that it would most probably remain for the beginning of September. And I do not want this to happen, because anyway the delay is already big.
I'm sorry to everyone, that eventually expect the translation.


SlackPack 0.3.0

During the week I released the new version 0.3.0 of SlackPack. After the efforts made in the past months I'm pleased to announce what was done compared to the previous 0.2.0 version:
  • the status of the package determines whether it's obsolete or problematic. Problematic packages are removed from the repository;
  • check for MD5 check sum;
  • review of package's signature;
  • the search engine could select only the newest packages;
  • donations are not accepted (through Epay and MoneyBookers).
The details are as always in the ChangeLog file.


Lot of work...

Few days ago I took a glimpse of my buglist at Bugzilla on my home server and I literally dumbfounded. "Only" 18 bugs. I can not understand when they get so much, but lots of work is ongoing. Some of them are pressing and I should finish them till the end of the month, because I'm planing to release new version of SlackPack. Actually one big part of what I have to do is on SlackPack... I'm having so much ideas, that I don't have the time to release them and I only report them for later reference. Let's hope I have more spare time until the end of the month, so I can complete what I have planed for 0.3.0, and after this I'm starting the preparations for 0.5.0, where lot of interesting things should be included. If I just think about, that I've only started the translations of Buzilla 3.0, which should be released sometime in April... a great spring is on the horizon :-)


Translation of Bugzilla 2.22.2

Yesterday I released the updated Bulgarian localization of Bugzilla 2.22.2. Although, that there was only one new sentence for translation I had to update the templates to the last version, so they do not cause problem for those who use the locale.
I don't know why, but again the update was late by almost 3 weeks, because again I found out for the new versions late. Although, the I keep an eye on the feeds and newsgroups, somehow the news of the new version slipped out of me. I one of the newsgroups that I watch there is announce, but I can't understand why I've missed that out. Maybe it is a good idea the translators to be notified timely for the new versions even before their release.
But yet I managed to catch the announce of Bugzilla 3.0rc1 and I'll begin the preparation of the translation just now, so when the new stable version comes out in April I would be ready and I do not have to catch up.
As usual you can download the new packages from:
Enjoy using!


Gabi begun walking

Few days ago (I think on January 31-st) my daughter Gabriella nicely surprised me by welcoming me home from work walking alone. Thanks to the continuous efforts of his grandmother (my mother) Mariana, which takes care of her currently, she now it touring the whole flat alone and is very hard to stop it :-)

Some time ago a friend told me "You can sens how fast the time is going by the children...". Yes, its an absolute truth. As if I took breath only once between the birth of Gabi and the moment she begun walking. But how they says "The life doesn't measure with the count of breaths, we took, but with the moments, we stopped breathing".

How much?

Do you ask the question "How much?"? I had to answer this question, which irritates me and it's unpleasant, from time to time. I cannot understand why people are so curious and want to know how much you're paid, haw much you're paying about something and so on and so on. I do not like to be asked neither I ask this question.
Please, next time when you're about to ask this question think whether you'd like to answer the question you're asking.


I've released SlackPack (at least)

After long delay at least I've released SlackPack - my site for my Slackware packages. The whole site is written in Perl with the use of Template and is like the popular software for bug tracking - Bugzilla. Naturally the idea is quite a lot different - a system for management of Slackware packages and repositories. However, for the moment the system is rather representative, because the administrative part is not ready at all. Only the public side, which presents the packages and give the possibility for download works and is available to the public. Currently SlackPack will offer its users:
  • full packages information;
  • possibility for review of the package contents;
  • possibility for download;
  • possibility for automatic update of a system from the repositories;
  • quick search, advanced search and review of the packages by Slackware version or category;
  • always current feeds, generated on the moment.
Unfortunately currently the site is only in English, but I hope the soon I'll have the time to localize it in Bulgarian, because a significant part of my packages are localized in Bulgarian and I don't want to cause difficulties to the users who don't use English. I have also lot of interesting ideas for the site development, but its all matter of future and enough free time. I hope the site will be liked both by the professionals as well as enthusiast working with one of the best distributions.

Wash up your flash meomories!

Washed memory

Last Saturday with displeasure I found, that I've forgotten my personal flash memory of 2 GB in the jeans, which my wife have already been finished washing. It had occurred to me too late. I decided, that it can hardly survive after the two hour trundle and wash with strong powders in the washing machine. But, after I dried it for two days I finally found with pleasure that it works perfectly normal. I don't know whether the fact that I have left the cap closed didn't allow entering of much moist, but maybe the corpus itself does matter. I want to praise the manufacturer TwinMOS, for what they did - a product steady even on washing.

Now the memory works even better! Only the stamp did suffer and is more pail now.

I'm using the possibility to thank my ex-colleagues from OBS, which made me such quality present for my last birthday - TwinMOS® Mobile Disk Z4.