My personal and professional life


First pictures of Gabriella

Today me and my wife succeded to make the first picture of Gabriella.

This one was shoted by me, and the following two from my wife with the camera of her phone.

I have created album on Gabriella first pictures on my home server. If you want to view more pictures, please visit it.

I become father

Yesterday (2005-12-16) at 15:45 EET I become father of a girl. The children weights 3.280 kg and is 48 cm long. I was able to see it for about a minute and fascinated from the feelings I forgot the take a shot :-)

The children and his mother are feeling good and at this moment they are resting in the maternity ward of the "St. Anna" hospital in Mladost (Okravna bolnica).

I'm impatiently waiting the morning when I'll be able to see my daughter longer and I'll be able to hug her for the first time. To hug my little Gabriella.

Lilypie Baby Ticker


Bugzilla-bg in Mozilla-bg

Yesterday thanks to Ognian Kulev I become part of Mozilla-bg project. As for beginning I'll participate in the project with my translation оf Bugzilla.

I hope in two weeks I'll be able to upload the translations of 2.18 and 2.20 versions.

Ognian Kulev has posted a news on the project pages.


Тhree consecutive

Today I manage to publish three consecutive news on the Linux-BG site (actually 4, but one never came up live):
It's an achievement, as recently I rarely get the opportunity to work additionally and barely manage to deal with my projects.